"세계여론조사학회(WAPOR): 1일 등록 가능"
- 통합 관리자
- 조회수635
- 2024-07-24
세계여론조사학회가 7월28일부터 31일까지 성균관대학교에서 개최됩니다 (첨부파일 프로그램 참조).
워크숍 (28일 오전4개, 오후 4개) 혹은 특정 세션에 관심(아래 상세 내용 참조)있는 분들을 위해서 특별히 1일 등록이 가능합니다.
등록 링크는 아래 첨부드립니다.
오른쪽 "select tickets"를 클릭하시면 다음 페이지에서 날짜를 선택하고 등록비($110 +$9.22 fee)를 낼 수 있습니다.
CONFERENCE PROGRAM. Conference program can be accessed at the WAPOR website here: https://wapor.org/wp-content/uploads/WAPOR-2024-PROGRAM.pdf. Every participant will receive one copy of the printed program at the registration desk.
REGISTRATION. Registration is required for all conference participants, including presenters, non-presenting co-authors and attendees. Registration and payment can still be processed online (https://wapor.org/events/annual-conference/current-conference/registration/). Alternatively, you can register onsite. For the latter, please, have your ID and an international credit card ready. To register onsite, please, arrive earlier and be prepared for a little waiting time.
YOUR BADGE. Upon arriving to the conference venue, please, make sure to collect your conference badge. This badge is required for admission to all conference sessions. Please, carry your badge with you all the time when participating in any conference activities. Colleagues who have no conference badge might be requested to proceed to the registration desk to confirm their identity and registration status.
FULL PAPER SUBMISSION. All presenters need to submit their full paper or presentation (in PDF). If you still have not done so, please, send your paper or presentation to admin@wapor.org or itaa@wapor.org at your earliest convenience. All papers submitted to date are accessible through the WAPOR Archive (folder WAPOR2024) as well as are included into the electronic version of the conference program: https://wapor.org/wp-content/uploads/WAPOR-2024-PROGRAM.pdf.
CHAIR AND PRESENTER GUIDELINES. Chair’s and presenter’s guidelines are listed at the WAPOR website (https://wapor.org/events/annual-conference/current-conference/presenters-guidelines/). When presenting, please, arrive to the session room in advance and have your presentation uploaded to the PC before the start of the session. All panels have 4-5 papers, with the recommended presentation time of no more than 15 minutes per paper. Panel Chairs might provide further guidance on the presentation time, sequence of presentations and the Q&A.
CONFERENCE VENUE. Conference is taking place at Sungkyunkwan University, Humanities and Social Sciences Campus, 25-2 Sungkyunkwan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea. All conference activities are divided between two buildings: 600th Anniversary Hall and International Hall. The 600th Anniversary Hall Building will host the Welcome Reception (5th floor); Key-note speeches (5thfloor, Cho Byung Doo International Conference Hall); WAPOR and WAPOR Asia Pacific Business Meetings (5th floor); Lunch breaks (6th floor). The International Hall Building will host the Registration (90101, 1st floor); Training workshops (B1,B2, 1st floor); Conference sessions(B1, B2, 1st floor); Posters session (90101,1st floor); WAPOR meetings (5th floor); Sponsors and exhibitors (90101, 1st floor).
TRAINING WORKSHOPS. At this year’s conference, WAPOR is organizing 8 training workshops. Description of all workshops are available at the WAPOR website (https://wapor.org/events/annual-conference/current-conference/training-workshops/). Attendance of workshops is included into your conference registration package.
- If you plan on attending the workshop “Web & Multimode Surveys Using Free/Open Source Tools”, please, check this information before the workshop: https://moodle.acspri.org.au/course/section.php?id=557
- If you plan on attending workshop “Multilevel regression and Poststratification”, please, try to install the interface locally: https://github.com/mrp-interface/shinymrp, or check the web-based implementation: https://mrpinterface.shinyapps.io/shinymrp. You will go through the interface step by step in the workshop.
- If you plan on attending workshop “Respondent Driven Sampling: Overview and Practical Tool”, please, consider installing R (https://cran.rstudio.com/)/ RStudio (https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/). If you are not familiar with this software, you can find tutorials online (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9EBlFDGG4k). This might be helpful to follow some demonstrations in the workshop.
This year’s conference is co-organized together with the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Korean Sociological Association; Korean Association of Party Studies; the Korean Association for Survey Research; KOSSDA-Korea Social Science Data Archive; the Institute of Social Development and Policy Research at Seoul National University; and PMI.
WAPOR expresses our sincere gratitude to our sponsors for their support with this year’s conference: Seoul Metropolitan Government; Ministry of Unification; Center for Social Value Enhancement Studies; D3 Design Data Decisions; Gallup Korea; Hankook Research; K-stat; Jason TG; Langer Research Associates; Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan; Gallup International; NORC at the University of Chicago; Research & Research; Survey Research Lanka; Westat.
We very much look forward to welcoming you in Seoul!
WAPOR Conference Committee andWAPOR Secretariat